Strong and Vital No 4
Cont. page 15
2017: The future of healthy «OLD» people has begun. Dr Charles Eugster (98), athlete, and his trainer Sylvia Gattiker (62)
The senescent cells are dysfunctional cells and remain in the body. They are «senile» and continue to roam the body. With increasing age, these cells grow in number and attack organs, thus contributing to the onset of chronic and other diseases as well as to the signs of aging. We can positively influence our cell metabolism through our lifestyle, primarily with nutrition and muscle training. In fact, the regulatory capacity of cells is indepen dent of age. That is the basis of a healthy life. Below are the factors that are beneficial to our health: Not only skin and bones age, but also the cells of the immune defence system. With a healthy lifestyle, which requires a combination of health-oriented muscle trai ning, exercise for endurance, nutrition, sufficient sleep and the avoidance of oxidative stress, we can keep our cells and our body effici ent and counteract metabolic ageing. The better the general condition of our body, the stronger our defences are. These are facts that cannot be denied. Unfortunately, conventional medicine is very one-dimensional, mostly focussed on one indication, one symptom or one spe cific clinical scenario.
A holistic approach is required, the importance of the cell with its pow erhouse of mitochondria must be recognised. PD Dr Bodo Kuklinski (nutritional physician) made the following state ment during a lecture:
«People don’t fall ill because they lack medication, but because biochemical disor ders occur in the body that are not recog nised and corrected in time.»
Is there a perfect training station for at home or in a retirement home?
There is no simple answer to this question. It depends on how FIT or TRAINED someone is. How much training experience do they have? Already trained in a gym ? Never trained before? Either way, multi-training stations, e.g. from the manufacturer BodySolid, make sense for older women and men who really want to regain their muscles and thus their independence. The G9S station shown here with two weight magazines costs CHF 4,790.00 (exclu ding VAT, transport/assembly/installation). Dimensions: Length: 2.260m, width: 1.830m and height 2.133m. The good thing about this training station is that it has a leg press, which can also be used to build up the calf muscles. All other body parts can be trained very well with the various options. An investment is also worthwhile for tenants in a residential property. Possibly use the room for drying laundry (which may no longer be used) and share the cost of the investment. Investing in your muscles is always worthwhile. Info.
STRONG and VITAL No. 4 - 2024
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