Education News

aware that a membership is not just sold when the membership agreement is signed but “sold again” with every gym member visit. In our HIT 2 and HIT 3 workshops, we teach tried and tested structures and strategies that have been refined over the years and are both explained and practically demonstrated so that they can ultimately be imple mented by the participants themselves. Strategies that lead to stable customer loyalty, high customer satisfaction, greater customer success and finally strong customer enthusiasm. The HIT 2 workshop focuses on cus tomer motivation . The participants learn all mechanisms for significantly increasing the success rate of their cus tomers. They are presented with a train ing methodology that truly “reaches the participants mentally,” provides them with proper supervision, inte grates them, increases their well-being and allows them to experience success quickly. The workshop offers cleverly devised information management sys tems and develops success support sys tems. We will show you how customers

can discover the fascination for them selves and how training information can be conveyed to the participants in an exciting fashion. After a few important self-motivation techniques, the work shop will shift its focus to motivation in the fitness area. In contrast to the classes area, the strength training area is often “tired” and the members are fre quently unmotivated. In a class, group dynamics, loud music and encouraging commands automatically provide a high degree of motivation. In the strength and cardio area, these elements are not available. Here, a completely different involvement with targeted strategies is required. In this manner, the partici pants can learn about the principles of an appreciative and highly motivating customer communication in the train ing area and how to generate an active and encouraging training atmosphere at any time. In HIT 3 , these elements are further developed and customer retention is optimized in a multi-segment fashion on all levels. Apart from further rein forcement of motivational strategies

action and a clear implementation of the corporate identity. How can cross-sell ing effects be used and the continuous improvement of the gym ensured by the employees fully within the meaning of a genuine KAIZEM culture? How can growth processes to increase the moti vational abilities within the company be established for all employees? The hard ware of the company with all its spatial, equipment and furnishing structures represents another focus. Furthermore, the influence of lighting, air and color are discussed, and the selection criteria for various pieces of equipment are pre sented in a neutral fashion with regard to equipment manufacturer. Finally, the participants will be able to verify organizational sequences with regard to their customer effectiveness and vary them as needed. Our HIT training pursues the objective of providing the gyms or their employees with proven and very successful strategies, methods and knowledge with regard to an improved customer solicitation and increased cus tomer loyalty. Time and again, we see

in the training area, the participants will learn how to create different com municative platforms for the customers for potential contacts among each other. Furthermore, mechanisms for a work ing customer complaint management system as well as how to handle difficult customers are explained and played through. Customer address at the bar and reception and behavior in times of stress are another element of the semi nar. Do the employees of a gym work as a team, all in different directions or even against each other? This core complex of subjects shows ways for better inter

that higher gym sales and profits in the long term can only be achieved through greater success, a higher degree of satis faction or greater customer satisfaction. The HIT training can be booked as an entire sequence or individual HIT workshops. In 2003, each workshop will be offered twice, with HIT 1 being held for the time on March 15/16, 2003, in Heidelberg. Individuals interested in the HIT work shops can order the entire training bro chure with all upcoming workshop dates from:


Fitness Tribune International 1

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