Education News
HIT The new training course High-Intensity Trainer by Dr. Axel Gottlob
to change one’s opinion and isn’t even interested in putting one’s experiences into practice in everyday life, then one will have lost nothing in one’s teaching profession as a MindBody or wellness instructor. I hear and I forget.
This completely new training course prepares gym owners, division managers, trainers and instructors with extremely effec tive and applicable knowledge for successful studio manage ment with regard to customer solicitation and retention. From his wealth of experience from over three decades in the fitness industry with more than 2,000 facilities he established, con sulted and trained, Gottlob has compiled the most important and successful customer service strategies. Our goal is to position fitness facilities as more efficient, customer-oriented and successful service providers. Today, it is simply unaccept able that • fitness facilities record membership termination notice of 30 to 50 percent on average and attempt to compensate for this considerable member migration with cost intensive advertising measures; • only about 4 to 10 percent of all fitness customers achieve genuine success with regard to their objectives; • fitness clubs pay too much attention to trends and only have few or none of the original core competencies; • fitness customers are insufficiently motivated by the employees or not at all; • friendliness toward the customers is confused with memorized, hackneyed salutation phrases; • no membership is sold to first-time gym visitors, since the employees are unable to generate sales at all or can do so only in a non-authentic, unmotivated and dishonest fashion; • investments are made in the wrong areas of the facility. Fitness as a product is so powerful that membership numbers can be not just maintained – even in a difficult economy – but even increased. How ever, to achieve this, the product must be correctly marketed with all its suc cess-oriented, customer care, emotional,
motivating, social and eventful aspects. This is where most fitness facilities fail. The HIT training was developed for this purpose and addresses the two core elements of gym management: customer solicitation and, more importantly, cus tomer retention. The goal of this training is to become a certified “High Intensity Trainer,” a customer-oriented, efficient trainer, area or gym manager, who achieves optimal results in the fields of member services and membership sales and successfully reduces fluctuation. The HIT training is divided into three intensive workshops: The HIT 1 workshop focuses on the sale of active memberships . If we take a look at membership sales in gyms, we can frequently observe two extremes. Either there are no active sales at all or interested individuals are subjected to high-pressure sales efforts. The HIT 1 will show participants how they can become extraordinarily successful in selling memberships through self motivation, good product knowledge and good customer-oriented attitude and also truly convincing and generat ing real enthusiasm with the customer. Successful marketing that can please and motivate both parties requires a certain sales presentation with different levels of tension, an introductory and a concluding phase. Each participant will learn what such a convincing gym presentation could look like and how he or she can achieve high sales rates with authenticity, product knowledge, moti vation and empathy even without trial training sessions. The core subject of the HIT 2 and HIT 3 workshops is the reduction of the termination notice . The above-listed termination notice of 30 to 50% on average can be reduced significantly, because the most frequently given rea sons for termination “No time” and “Too expensive” are simply excuses. The customers’ priorities have changed. In this respect, many gyms are not
I see and I remember. I act and I understand.
TriloChi instructive video This new video gives you a general insight into this singular “body-teach ing” inspired by the Far East and devel oped by the “motion-educationalist” Lucia Schmidt. TriloChi is a synthesis of Far Eastern disciplines and Western training methods and combines Asiatic philosophy with today’s knowledge of the teaching of anatomy and training. The thing that differentiates TriloChi from other forms of gymnastics is the way it is exercised. Posture, breathing and concentration play a decisive role and are jointly responsible for how much one can profit from TriloChi.
The video is also meant for those who already practise TriloChi and, with its help, one can check out the details too. Furthermore, people who are interested in TriloChi but don’t have the privilege of taking part in a course, as well as those who want to get some informa tion on this motional method, will profit from the video, too. The fruits of personal know-how as well as the knowledge gathered in more than 20 years’ experience and teaching in the areas of dancing, group fitness, Tai Chi, yoga and meditation have given way to a motional concept. This concept allows people to adapt to the conditions and necessities of Western students and to make them reasonably familiar with MindBody. Info:
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