Strong and Vital No 4
LONGEVITY CONGRESS 2024 THAT ’ S WHY we need this congress on the topic of LONGEVITY on November 6th 2024 in Locarno.
After 65, life in Switzerland (worldwide) changes in ways that young people cannot imagine.
The protagonists of today’s healthcare system deal hypocritically with the issue of LONGEVITY. In their narcissistic illusion, they dictate what they believe the future (e.g. babyboomers) should look like, namely even more interventions, more pills and higher health insurance premiums. However, as many people know, especially older people, the solution is an ethical, dignified and honourable life. It is possible to reach 100 years of life without medication. We want to help people set themselves these life goals. This is possible with intensive muscle training and a healthy diet. If a LONGEVITY HEALTH CHARTER is not implemented soon, health insurance premiums will continue to rise so sharply every year (see editorial in this issue, pages 4 and 5) that many middle-class people will no longer be able to finance their existence in the coming years (high rents, high health care premiums, etc.). Many will fall into poverty and will no longer be able to afford children because of financial difficulties (see demographic change today) Here are some of the points that will be discus- sed in Locarno on 6 November 2024 1. Federal Constitution Art. 10/2: «Everyone has the right to personal liberty, in particular to physical and mental integ rity * and to freedom of movement. And Art. 12: Right to assistance in emergencies. Anyone in need and unable to provide for themselves is entitled to assistance and care and to the means necessary for a dignified existence». Many DISCRIMINATIONS of all kinds take place in Switzerland from retirement age onwards. Corona has shown that the Federal Government can even override the Federal Constitution at any time via EMERGENCY LAW, as the people have practically not reacted to this (those who have reacted have been degraded to nutcases and rabble rousers). For example, EMERGENCY LAW was introduced three times within three years. The last time this was the case was during the Second World War - only for citizens to remember this. And what will happen when the agitation against the appa Cancellation It makes no sense to organise a congress with top speakers for those who already know about the importance of intensive MUSCLE TRAINING (please google the word MYOKINE). The attendees could then say: « I ALREADY KNEW EVERYTHING ». The term «LONGEVITY» today is mostly just a pretext for selling PILLS and supple ments. Instead, it should be a social vocation to promote health and thus reduce healthcare costs. rently cost-driving OLD people in the healthcare system really gets going? Art. 10/2 and Art. 12 are constantly being trampled underfoot in Switzerland. 2. The health insurance law is NOT based on solidarity, because poor people (including increasingly the middle class) in Switzer land choose the highest deductible of CHF 2500 in order to pay lower health insurance premiums, but when they are sick as more and more statistics show, they CANNOT afford to go to the doctor and many risk dyning miserably - this in rich Switzer land! 3. In the interests of older people, it is imperative that the possibility of a COLLECTIVE COMPLAINT be introduced in Switzerland as soon as possible, so that various affected persons can sue for their rights as a group against, for example, multinational corporations. As an individual citizen without much money you cannot sue in Switzerland. 4. Most children are born healthy. Why shouldn’t people have the RIGHT to die healthy at the age of 100+? 5. The self-service healthcare system does indeed manage to produce too many SICK and drug-addicted Swiss people. 6. The LONGEVITY Congress on 6 November 2024 is intended to appeal to people 60+, 70+, 80+, 90+ who do NOT need medication, who want to grow old HEALTHY through an active, sporty life, muscle training, natural nutrition (preferably wit hout or greatly reduced consumption of dairy, fish and meat-free food. 7. Of course, women and men who are not yet 60 years old can also take part in this first congress. 8. The voluntary fitness test is optional and MUST NOT be carried out on 6 November. 9. In autumn 2025, the big LONGEVITY Congress will be held with the signing of the LONGEVITY HEALTH CHARTER, exactly 100 years after the international PEACE TREATIES of October 1925 negotiated in Locarno. Here, however, in line with the RIGHT that old and very old people should also be allowed to die in dignity and health. To * also applies to the UN Charter or EU Charter - Art 1 and Art 3/1
STRONG and VITAL No. 4 - 2024
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