Strong and Vital No 4
Woldt News
Myokines – the Molecules of Happiness Myokines: If you are familiar with the term, you will mainly find it in a func tion-orientated context. In sport, for example. Myokines are endogenous substances that the muscle releases into the body when it moves. I have always been a fan of the functional view of exercise. For over 25 years, I ran a sports centre with 65 classes per week, a strength training and en durance area as well as a meditation and relaxation programme. Strength training in particular has always been such an important contribution to kee ping people healthy.
The movement of the muscle is smooth if it has an organised state of oscilla tion (oscillation process). Often, how ever, a "chaotic" jerky movement can be perceived. Every physical reaction, including the jerky movement impulse, is an attempt by your organism to make contact with you and to compensate for an imbalance that has arisen and to return to a gliding oscillation. The power of soft knees So if you get the well-known "weak knees" when you hear bad news, the muscle gives up its driving force at this moment in order to better serve the problem situation that has arisen. During this regulatory process, the muscle jerks and sends myokines to our brain in the prefrontal cortex. Feeling weak knees in a challenging situation is therefore a great thing. This process is nothing other than the restoration of self-regulatory balance, which not only brings back functional muscular imba lances, but also opens up emotional and mental room for manoeuvre. Basically better on reception In my decades of research on this topic, I was able to develop a method that not only accelerates such regulatory pro cesses in a wide variety of difficult life situations, but also fundamentally puts the organism in a more favourable dis position for dealing with challenges. What's more, access to deeply felt hap piness and fulfilment is also increased enormously.
Muscles: more than just a driving force
But what I already felt intuitively back then was that the muscles are not just a functional driving force, but are also responsible for many other processes in the body. They can even contribute to the organisation of life, to con sciousness, they can answer the ques tion of who you are, how you want to live, where or with whom. Muscles and happiness are also closely linked. Self determination, self-efficacy and self healing powers can also be strengthe ned with the help of the muscles. A very specific training concept However, supporting happiness and self-efficacy through the muscles requires a different training concept than functional training in the gym. This concept exists. I developed it during my many years of research. My name is Jürgen Woldt, I am a health resear
cher and owner of the doit Academy in Herne (Germany). In this article, I would like to draw your attention once again to the content that I have published in many specialised jour nals since 2007 on how we can use the specific concept in our training facilities. They were about the central role of myokines for training as well as many other areas of life. Myokines and oscillation processes The hypothesis on fascinating muscle competence arose from my observations more than 35 years ago on the be haviour of muscles during movement acceleration. Of course, I did not realise at the time that myokines could be behind this. At that time, there were also no findings on myokine production in the muscles. I carried out research with over 30,000 people at the time and came to the following conclusion: firstly, the activity and strain on the muscles were naturally correlated with muscle movement behaviour and the acceleration of move ment. You can easily imagine the acceleration. When you move a muscle, you can feel that its movement path is not necessarily smooth.
Many trainers, physiotherapists, sports scientists, doctors and coaches who work with the methodology of my unique health concept are constantly surprised by the powerful regulatory mechanisms of the muscles. We can tangibly test and measure them, which we pass on in certified training courses at our academy.
More Information: Jürgen Woldt, doit Akademie, Westring 303, 44629 Herne, ,
Jürgen Woldt Born 1948 Curriculum vitae and contact see
STRONG and VITAL No. 4 - 2024
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