Strong and Vital No 3

Edi torial

What a Wonderful World Daydreaming and Sarcasm* Are Good for the Soul, Right? * applies to the rest of the editorial As citizens of the world we do indeed have it great: life expectancy has increased up to 120 years, 99 per cent of babies are born healthy and over 90 per cent of people die peacefully and healthy at home in old age in the presence of their families, which now span four generations. You learn to respect your fellow human beings at an early age, whether they are children, young people, adults or older people. Young people realise that, despite visible differences in terms of origin, intellect or social class, everyone has the right to find their place in society. Everyone has the opportunity to develop and practise their talent or even vocation, regardless of expectations placed on them. Every profession is worthy in itself; it is rather the treatment that is often given to employees that is degrading. Likewise, everyone is paid a decent salary that allows a life in dignity without having to rely on additional state assistance. Thanks to an appropriate lifestyle, people are getting less ill, exercise has become a normal part of life and a vegan diet is now a matter of course. The number of hospitals and clinics has steadily declined; these facilities mainly admit patients victims of accidents. The healthcare system is being directly financed by proportional wage deductions. Progress and adjustments in relations between women and men have finally made peaceful coexistence possi ble, so that the divorce rate has fallen. After decades of demographic winter, the birth rate has risen as childcare centres and other individual childcare services are provided by the state. Families are relieved and have more children. The retirement age has levelled off at 65, while flexible retirement offers the opportunity to work longer depen ding on personal needs, partly because the general health of the population has improved. The pension is exclu sively provided by the state and its amount allows everyone to live in dignity regardless of the type of profession performed during the working years.

How was it possible to improve the health of the population? The answer is obvious: exercise and strength training. Because this is how myokines are released, valuable messenger substances for the whole body that have a healing effect. In this respect, health insurance companies provide gyms free of charge for training, which keeps the costs for the healthcare system as low as possible. After all, serious training makes it possible to be "ALLDAY FIT" at every stage of life. The following quote tells everything: IT IS ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT, THAT CAN BE IMPOSED ON A THINKING PERSON, OF A HISTORICAL PROCESS, WHOSE INEVITABLE OUTCOME HE HAS LONG SINCE RECOGNISED WITH CLARITY . With this in mind, I wish the StarkVital60+ readership a wonderful summer 2024. Jean-Pierre Jean-Pierre Leonhard Schupp Born 1954, Biological age "54", Health expert, book author, 5th Dan Black Belt Karate/kick-boxing, Curriculum vitae and contact; KNOWING AMONG THE IGNORANT TO HAVE TO WITNESS THE COURSE

STRONG and VITAL No. 3 - 2024


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