Strong and Vital No 3

The Discussion between Experts Ueli Schweizer, Jean-Pierre Schupp SHARING KNOWLEDGE:

ther day - with a day of absolute rest in between. People aged 60+, 70+, 80+, 90+ should train their muscles for a maximum of 15-20 minutes per day with a two-day break in between, but intensively with heavy weights - no elastic bands e.g., they will not build up muscle mass. JPS: Many people now ask to what extent they should train intensively, maybe to the point of exhaustion? US: If we train as mentioned before, we do not damage cells or tissue, the muscle cross-sec tion can naturally increase and the body recovers in two or three days. Always assuming that you are not stressed, you get enough sleep and your diet includes all the necessary nutrients. The opposite is true for endurance training. The training sessions are long, at least 45 minutes, and the intensity is very low. You must always be able to speak normally. Then the blood lactate concentra tion is between 1 and 2 mmol/L.

HOW HEALTHY IS TRAINING IN GYMs REALLY? JPS: Most of those who exercise realise that often LESS is MORE: Training for the «six pack» is coun terproductive. What is happening today in terms of narcissism? US: In today’s society, every thing has to be extreme, specta cular, extraordinary and fantastic in order to catch the attention of people and to satisfy one’s own ego. Social media reinforces this trend to the absurd. The perma nent sensory overload leads peo ple to perceive only what is sen sational and exaggerated, which they then consider normal. JPS: The six pack abs also falls into this category. US: Overall, it is observed that unrealistic results are expected from training, for example the six pack. That is why the training rou tine becomes ultra-hard. Com petitions for amateur athletes are overlong and over-intensive, other

alternative options are not even taken into account.. JPS: Hobby competitions are often more strenuous today than they were for professionals a few decades ago. US: Unfortunately, the culture of extreme and exaggeration dis regards discoveries in biology, sports medicine and training sci ence. If you have knowledge in these fields, you can clearly define where is the border between healthy and pathogenic training. Precise load control and the rela tionship between training load, everyday load, recovery, sleep and nutrition is essential. JPS: What’s more, all scientific studies have only been carried out by men for men, which means that women are generally overloaded, even in sport.. US: In so-called scientific studies all over the world, sports students are usually taken, most of whom are not of normal height, they do not fulfil the requirements. The refore they cannot be considered representative of the population as a whole. The results are then mis leading. Nevertheless, the basic principles must apply to ALL, i.e. to women and men, regardless of age, whether they are 20 or 80 years old. During strength training, we must not exceed a blood lactate con centration of 6 mmol/L, otherwise damage will occur in the cells and tissues, the immune system is severely weakened for days. To ensure that we do not exceed these values in strength training, the sets, i.e. the exercises per muscle group, must be very short, 10 seconds to a maximum of 30 seconds. To avoid overloading the entire organism, we limit the total training duration to a maximum of 45 minutes. It therefore makes sense to train one muscle group on one day and the other on ano

A training session of 45 to 90 minutes with 1 to 2 mmol/L blood lactate levels, during which you can always speak normally, has been shown to strengthen the immune system and promote fat burning the most. A high fat-bur ning capacity, a strong immune system and well-developed mus cles are a requisite for enjoying life and everything it offers. JPS: At what point does training become stressful and therefore harmful? US: There are two decisive fac tors. The first is the balance bet ween training load, everyday stress (physical, psychological, social), recovery, sleep, nutrition

Jean-Pierre Schupp (1954), TOP-FIT. You need muscles for all sports and sleep a lot to survive.


STRONG and VITAL No. 3 - 2024

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