Strong and Vital No 3

Life time

The Health of People 60+

expensive medication. In reality, however, it is just a business as usual. In addition, expe riments are carried out on people that violate the bans issued by the World Health Organi sation (WHO), such as implants for total cell control, digital cell production, cell manipu lation - just think of TESLA. In essence, it is really about money and power. What is the driving force behind this type of consumption? Precisely those seniors who are in poor health or very sick, media-driven and already in need of care. This category of people are the target group (victims) of the longevity business of the coming years, whereby those who actively practise muscle training luckily do not fall into this group. The efforts to include as many people as pos sible in strength training, in addition to the 15 per cent who are already active, unfortu nately remain a cry in the desert. Your own health must be nurtured every day throughout your life. The origin of physical health lies in every newly born, young body cell. However, 60+ people are apparently not prepared to give up bad habits, crav ings, consumerism and affluent behaviour in favour of personal health. In any case, the honesty and uncompro mising nature of the Strong & Vital magazine is to be praised.

It is really the case that people aged 60+ should be trained as soon as possible with the help of gyms and physiotherapists so that they can enjoy their old age indepen dently at home without the need for care. However, probably 80 per cent of the over 60s who have never done strength training consume medication. This includes non prescription drugs, which account for 70 per cent of pharmaceutical sales. So any one who starts muscle training at the age of 60+ and takes medication is already ill, has developed a drug dependency or is even on the way to needing care. In these cases, it is unfortunately difficult or practically impos sible to integrate muscle training into every day life. From this point of view, the earlier you start getting adults and young people aged 16 and over to train their muscles, the better. It is absolutely essential. I would say it is even more urgent today than when the strength training trend began in the 1980s. The fact that LONGEVITY is represented at FIBO, the event for fitness and wellness that takes place every year in Cologne (Ger many), should come as no surprise. After all, the ideal of a long life or even the dream of immortality has existed since time immemo rial. Healthcare expenditure in our countries re lates to current widespread diseases and does not actually serve the health of the population. These costs are based on the promise that every illness can be cured immediately or even prevented by taking

Erich Iten (1956)

Editor’s note

These words by Erich Iten are very wise and only understandable for people who know about «myokines», i.e. intensive muscle training.


STRONG and VITAL No. 3 - 2024

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