Strong and Vital No 2
Fit and Healthy
The Strongest
Getting closer to the meaning of life «Hm, how is that supposed to work?» you are pro bably asking yourself. I have made it my mission to make this topic, which has touched my life for over 75 years, more transparent for you. Do you realise the following? When you go through your life, have encounters, are interested in some thing, or when you have a conversation with loved ones, have a discussion, or even when you just look at the sea, into the forest or into the fire - then your muscles vibrate with your connective tissue, also known as oscillation. We can now measure this oscillation.
For some, muscles are just a functional drive train that moves our body and can be strength ened through training. The connective tissue is stretched because it is obviously responsible for shortening the muscle. Others see muscles as an integral part of the whole body, which is connected to our thoughts, feelings, meridians, organs and metabolism. And then, finally, there are those for whom mus cles and connective tissue are information trans mitters that send orders to the brain via myokines (messenger substances). In touch with the cosmos All of these approaches undoubtedly mention impor tant aspects of the musculature. For me, however, muscles are more than that. With the integrated net work of connective tissue, muscles are more than just a structure or a supplier of messenger substan ces (myokines). The connective tissue alone is even connected to the cosmos via our morphic fields, the so-called «quantum fields». The core of our active musculoskeletal system is basically also a creation of our life. I like to try to express things that are difficult to grasp in visual terms, so you could say that the cosmos holds its breath when you move because you make contact with it through any kind of movement. You can actu ally get closer to the meaning of your life with the help of your musculoskeletal system, which includes muscles, ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
Self-regulation The search for harmony
This vibration or oscillation is directly linked to your self-regulation skills. This is the ability to always be able to maintain, restore or take care of your own well-being in every situation. This is not a psycho logical aspect, but a muscular-connective tissue quality that enables this competence. Your body always does everything it can to ensure that all biological processes are in balance and that you are in harmony with yourself. However, in today’s modern world, the body can no longer help more than 95 per cent of people to do this properly
Jürgen Woldt Born 1948 Curriculum vitae and contact see
STRONG and VITAL No. 2 - 2024
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