Strong and Vital No 1
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Miracle cure – resistance training Arno Parviainen
Arno Parviainen, born in 1956 is the founder, CEO and Chairman of David Health Solutions. He is the innovator behind the world famous David Health rehabili tation technology with many granted patents in his name. Mr. Parviainen has a degree in economics and is heading David Health companies in Finland and USA. Mr. Parviainen ’ s vision is to expand David Health ’ s intelligent exercise technology beyone musculoskeletal problems to all life-style induced health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cognitive difficulties .
Fighting lifestyle induced diseases? In the battle against lifestyle-induced diseases, we are familiar with the list of dos and don ’ ts for maintaining health: eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, prioritize sleep, manage stress, fos ter social connections, and cultivate a positive mindset. These guidelines are widely acknowledged as beneficial and should be adhered to. However, many of us may not fully comprehend the practical implications of these actions or their effectiveness. Moreover, there is often no immediate gratification, requiring sustained motivation based on faith until tangible benefits are felt. Conversely, unhealthy habits often provide instant satisfaction, making them difficult to resist. Amidst these challenges, there ’ s one activity that stands out for its excepti onal effectiveness and substantial sci entific backing: resistance training . The next blockbuster drug Exerkines Described as the potential «next block buster drug,» the health benefits deri ved from resistance training are gar nering increasing attention. As scien tific knowledge expands, researchers continue to identify a growing number of molecules excreted by various body parts during resistance training. Coi ned as «Exerkines,» these molecules encompass a diverse array, including proteins, myokines, cytokines, neuro transmitters, and hormones. Figure 1 illustrates examples of exerki nes released post-exercise, each play ing a crucial role in bodily functions such as repairing tissues, enhancing immunity, regulating cell growth, and facilitating nerve generation. These molecules are instrumental in suppor ting overall health and well-being.
It has been long known that regular exercise is important for our health. This knowledge, however, does not seem to have enough motivational power to get a large part of the population moving. Combined with the aging of the population this is a toxic combination that causes lot of suffering and soaring healthcare costs. But with a growing number of new research results our knowledge of the health effects of exercise, especially resistance training, make a compelling case for everyone to consider exercise as a new habit that everyone should have, young and old. Inactivity kills, or at least makes you older The consequences of inactivity are grave, often accelerating the aging process. Many of us have firsthand experience with the tangible effects of aging, wit nessing declines in both physical and mental capacities. Yet, lurking beneath the surface, there›s a clandestine accumulation of risks that may one day erupt dramatically. For some, this serves as a wake-up call to embrace radical lifestyle changes, while for others, it may sadly be too late. What›s less commonly known is that, in addition to the typical cardiovascular issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, our passive habits and poor dietary choices pave the way for a host of other diseases, including cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis, among others. Even for those who prioritize mental well-being over physical health, the loss of muscle mass causes a concerning parallel decline in cognitive capacity 1 . This interconnectedness between body and mind is increasingly recognized, echoing the sentiments of the ancient Roman poet Juvenal, who famously proclaimed, «mens sana in corpore sano» : a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Fig, 1 The world is suffering from multitude of life-style induced diseases
STRONG and VITAL No. 1 - 2024
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