Preview Editorial SaV No 2

Editorial online next SaV No 2 - Total edition online first Week April 2024

No. 1 Feb/Mar 2024 - online only No. 2 April/May 2024 - online only

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Preview Editorial for STRONG & VITAL No. 2

Rest: online first week of April 2024

Edi torial

A Frightening Scenario: a Fixed-Term Life

I would not be surprised if the introduction of a possible EXPIRATION DATE in relation to human life is considered in the public debate over the next few years. In view of today's longevity, which means that some of us live beyond the age of 80 - and thus place a longer burden on the social security system - would it be conceivable to consider a limited life expectancy from birth - as in use for food expiration dates? For example, by setting an official lifespan of 80 years from the day of birth in strict mathematical terms? After which only those are allowed to live who have their own assets, pay for medical treatment out of their own pocket, no longer receive the retirement pension and cease therefore to be a burden on the community? Does that seem like a bold prediction to you? I keep saying: REALITY EXCEEDS OUR IMAGINATION ! It looks like science fiction, but it is a plausible scenario (terrifying, like in the film SOYLENT GREEN, 1973). We must be prepared for any development. Because: cynicism is rampant, altruism is rare and greed is deeply rooted. Attacks on the Elderly What should be done when baby boomers are attacked not only verbally but also physically in the context of intergenerational conflict because they are blamed for high social spending? The over 60s must be able to defend themselves. That's why I personally promote dedicated self-defence courses. A few well thought-out and prac tised techniques can be all it takes to deter or even incapacitate an unprepared attacker - such a reaction is not expected from an older person. No superhuman strength is required, contrary to popular belief. If a person, even an older one, does strength training, the basics are in place. Longevity, a Booming Market Have you noticed? LONGEVITY is the latest term that is gradually replacing the belligerent expres sion "anti-ageing". It sounds promising and does not involve the effort of fighting (anti=against) a dark and terrifying enemy - age, which "brings with it catastrophic developments" for which you may even have to feel ashamed and ask for "justification and forgiveness". After all, it's not your fault. From the late Latin longaevitas , "long life", the term is used in biology to describe the physiolo gical ability of an organism to survive beyond what is considered the average limit for the species in question. It is therefore a thoroughly positive concept, practically a reward (for good behaviour) that one can strive for. Today, the term "longevity" is suddenly associated with a variety of products, and not just in the medical sector. Marketing has discovered the existence of this term, used in the English version also in foreign languages, and is capitalising on it. The labelling of food and nutritional supplements as well as physical activities has now actually replaced the (already) outdated formula "anti-ageing". Longevity offers are springing up like mushrooms. Discreetly, a new, fast-growing market has emerged in this area for a selected few: Longevity cli nics, which employ specialists, physiotherapists, nutritionists and beauticians, among others. These facilities are of course in the most exclusive locations and are not accessible to ordinary mortals.


STRONG and VITAL, Nr. 2 2024

Edi torial

Longevity (still) seems to be a promise for a very wealthy elite. In this case, it comes at a high price. However, medicine and the pharmaceutical industry are preparing to conquer the longevity market also through public healthcare subsidies. It's time for longevity conferences and trade fairs, every supplier wants to be the first on the scene to anticipate competitors. This is where the gurus emerge to sell all sorts of products, therapies and programmes. A complex and intertwined system based on tests, supplements, medicines and beauty treatments that need to be calibrated and supplemented following precise instructions. Behind the scenes, there is often a doctor (or a pool of doctors) who inspires confidence in the most stubborn who are still sceptical despite persistent marketing treatment. MUSCLE TRAINING in the context of longevity requires a different approach, as potential active people will carry out the tailor-made programme themselves, of course with the professional support of a trainer. The path to fitness and health may be strenuous, but the benefits are many. Muscle training offers health at a low price and makes it possible to reduce or even do without me dication, shapes the body (yes, even at a certain age), gives an incomparable feeling of satisfaction (endorphins), awakens vitality, i.e. the will to act. At the other end of the spectrum are the doctors, who instead rely on drug therapies or suggest (often unnecessary) interventions to eliminate any disorder. Then you wonder why health insurance costs are skyrocketing. I would like to end my editorial by urging you to keep up your vital MUSCLE TRAINING to maintain your muscles and skeleton, counteracting the onset of sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Your whole body will become STRONG and VITAL . Last but not least: Switch to a vegan diet if possible. We want to be LONGEVITY pioneers, many of us already are.

The LONGEVITY Congress on 6 November 2024 in Locarno (Switzerland) will be an opportunity to meet many of you in person. Registration at: Yours, Jean-Pierre L. Schupp Longevity pioneer

Jean-Pierre Leonhard Schupp Born 1954, Biological age "54", Health expert, book author, 5th Dan Black Belt Karate/kick-boxing, Curriculum vitae, see: Contact:

STRONG and VITAL No. 2 - 2024






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In der älteste 1931) a

Informationen zur geplanten LONGEVITY-GALA

...zum ersten LONGEVITY Kongress vom 6.11.2024 in Muralto - Locarno. (nur 300m zu Fuss vom Bahnhof Locarno liegt das Kongresszentrum, auch viele Parkplätze vorhanden) Im Kongresspreis inbegriffen ist nebst der Teilnahme auch ein Steh lunch inkl. Mineralwasser und Kaf fee (andere Getränke bitte direkt vor Ort bezahlen - DANKE) Zeitablauf: (Definitives Programm mit Referent:innen folgt später) 10:00 bis 17:30 (Pause 13:00-14:00)

Ab 18:30 am 6.11.24. Preis, Ablauf, Hotelübernachtung erfolgt ab der StarkVital Nr. 36, per 1. Mai 2024. Annmelden auch für: • HEALTH TRIBUNE LONGEVITY LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS • HALL OF FAME NOMINIERUNGEN • STRONG and VITAL LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS NOMINIERUNGEN Immer aktuelle Informationen: «Longevity ist die neue Schönheit, Wellness die neue Gesundheit und das Alter der neue Reichtum.» • HEALTH TEST ZERTIFIKATE • SELF DEFENSE URKUNDEN • INNOVATION AWARDS



In dieser neuen Rubrik sollen Vorbilder der Alterskategorie 70+, 80+ und 90+ für ihre Lebensweise und Gesundheit im hohen Alter einerseits mit einem

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LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD ausgezeichnet werden wie auch in die LONGEVITY HALL OF FAME aufgenommen werden. In der Alterskategorie 90+ wird die immer noch aktive und älteste Personal Trainerin TAKISHIMA MIKA (Jahrgang 1931) aus Japan aufgenommen.




Ebenso der ver storbene Dr. CHARLES EUGSTER

(1919-2017) aus der Schweiz (Weltmeister mit 92-97 Jahren im Fitness-Zehnkampf Stren flex und 200m, 400m Sprint Weltrekord IAAF). Foto links mit 97 Jahren, unten mit 95 aufgenommen:


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