Rimini Report
Some participation figures for various activities: 150 in the Reebok Masterclass 130 in the Nike Masterclass 100 master classes were held in total 10,000 at Freddy 5,000 at BCube and Adidas 20,500 bottles of Gatorade sold
180,000 bottles of Vitasnella mineral water distributed 30,000 bottles of San Benedetto mineral water distributed 50,000 Emmenthaler Degustationen tastings of Emmenthal 12,000 bottles of Budweis beer 6,500 in Acquagym lessons in the five pools 15,000 in Spinning lessons
much upon traditional exhibition concepts (see IHRSA), which no longer have a place in the dynamic fitness industry at all or which miss the market entirely.” (See FIBO, which simply doesn’t want to realise that bodybuilding is no longer a hot topic at all). On the international market there are virtually no German equipment manufacturers or even German fit ness products in general. Dr. Wolff, who visited the Festival del Fitness in Rimini for the first time was quite amazed: “It’s unbelievable, aside from Dr. Wolff equipment which is being exhibited by our Italian agent, there are no German makes to be seen”. Unfortunately the Germans are much too focussed on the domestic market and have realised much too late that, in the international fitness market, Germany plays only a minor role. Conclusion: If you don’t make your presence felt in the European or world markets you will sooner or later lose your standing in the domestic market too
600 at the Adidas Night and Day run 400 at the Trentino Fitness Triathlon 800 at the various Fitness Games 1,200 at the Italian fitness federation
1,155 at Adidas Basket 5 federations present 45 minutes live broadcast by RAI 60 minutes of reports by RAI and other television channels 100 doctors took part in the Enerzone congress 100,000 “California” magazines distributed 150 helpers to the organisers (15 years ago the figure was 16) 85,000m2 exhibition space 90,000 - a record visitor figure on a single day, Saturday June 15th 5,000,000 Euros in costs to stage this festival 444 accredited journalists and photographers 3,500,000 clicks on the website over 10 days Doping cases: 0
Fitness Tribune International 1
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