Association News

ENFA NEWS The European Network Fitness Association (ENFA) is a not-for-pro fit organisation that aims to promote physical activity to all the citizens of Europe. ENFA is a membership orga nisation made up of exercise and fitness organisations from across Europe. ENFA has recognised that there is a lack of common standards for fitness trainers/instructors and that the quality of fitness instruction can vary between European countries. In response to this ENFA has established a qualifications working group. The ENFA qualifications working group is aiming to create a framework for the harmonisation of qualifications and standards in exercise and fitness between European countries. The harmonisation of qualifications is in line with European Commission directives on the movement of professionals and will result in: • Increased mobility of health and fitness professionals across Europe • Guaranteed quality of fitness instruction qualifications and training centres • Improved customer confidence in fitness instruction • Promotion of best practice in health and fitness instruction and qualifications across Europe • The promotion of a healthy lifestyle to all European citizens

The work of the ENFA qualifications working group concentrates on three key areas: 1. The development of an agreed European wide qualifications framework This work will focus on re-developing the European Qualification Structure for Fitness (EQSF) five level structure of competencies, skills and knowledge in the European exercise and fitness industry. The new EQSF will serve as a minimum standard against which fitness qualifications and qualification structures in member countries can be compared. 2. The validation of national qualification structures This work will focus on achieving a recog nised European system of comparability of qualifications in the following way: • Qualification providers will be able to map their qualifications to the new EQSF • Successfully mapped qualifications may then be validated by ENFA to allow them to achieve recognition on a Pan European Level. 3. The promotion of national registers of fitness trainers/ instructors.

Some countries have an independent national register of fitness professionals. This allows trainers/instructors with recognised qualifications to demonst rate to customers and clients that they are qualified and capable of working in the fitness industry. The ENFA qualifi cations working group will aim to work towards a network of independent nati onal registers based on European-wide approved qualifications which map to the European Qualification Structure for Fitness. Enclosed with this letter is a question naire which is aimed at organisations that are interested in the quality of fitness instruction and qualifications in the European fitness industry. We are requesting feedback from interested parties on the work of the ENFA quali fications working group. You can also download the question naire through this link on the ENFA website (image below): detail/2463?PHPSESSID=ee01a938d1 da92bfce0503339d8df5e5 If you would like further information on the work of ENFA, the Qualifications Group or would like membership infor mation please contact enfa@global or log on to the website at 


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